
my gentle wild squirts
As maker:
26th March 2022:
Moving Futures Festival
Tilburg (NL)
24th April 2022:
Savarin Space as part of Playboyz Festival (CZ)
30th May 2022:
Volksroom, Brussels (BE)
25th June 2022:
Radiant Nights Festival
Antwerp (BE)
16th July 2022:
Pinkbus Platform Festival (CZ)
9th November 2022:
Zahrada Theatre, Banska Bystrica (SK)
17th November 2022:
V-Fest Festival- Kraakelder
Tilburg (NL)
19th May 2023:
La Fete Du Slip, Lausanne (CH)
24th June 2023:
S.P.I.T Festival, Vienna (AT)
10th August 2023:
Antwerp Queer Festival, DeStudio, Antwerp, (BE)
29th September 2023:
Murf/murw Festival, Tilburg (NL)
As performer/dancer:
Dave & Golly
Creation of TITS performing arts-Nela Kornetová (CZ/NO)- premiere 16th and 17th February 2023 and 22nd September 2023
As assistant of choreography:
Assisting for the solo piece of Renan Martins (BR/PT),
premiere in 4th and 5th February 2022.
16th March 2023
Tanz Solo Festival, Bonn (DE)

Assisting for the solo piece of Marlla Araújo
premiere 14th and 15th June 2024
Pieces:ZĀĀR by Ulduz Ahmadzadeh- premiere 5th and 6th April 2024
A rolling hitch by Elizabeth Ward-premiere 13th and 14th December 2024
and it gets better
premiere 21st, 22nd and 23rd November 2024:
Studio Brut (AT)
As maker/performer for CabaretS
Femmes at Work
July 2024, Kultursommer (AT)
Call for Love
27th and 28th October 2023:
Venuše ve Švehlovce Theatre (CZ)
25th October 2024:
P*AKT Theatre (SK)
Ne mosquito Pas solo
project created by Simon Van Schuylenbergh for failed ideas, precarious jokes and bad taste solos
5th May/17th and 20th June/17th August/ 2nd September 2023,
Circularium Space, Charleroi Danse Theatre, Brasserie Atlas and Decoratelier (BE)
Just Gorgeous web series as Lazy Liza
June/November 2024, film casino (AT)
Let`s Kiss, Let`s Brasilian Kiss
June/August/September/October 2021, Pinkbus Platform, Prague (CZ)
July/September/November 2022
Pinkbus Platform (CZ), Queeriety Queer Event (CZ) and Pinkbus Czech Experimental Theatre Awards (CZ)
a place where salt and sugar melt
October, 2021
Pinkbus Platform, Prague, (CZ)
Fish out of Water
July/August/September/October 2022
Queeriety Queer Event, Prague (CZ), SummerSessies Tilburg (NL), Pride Prague Festival, Prague (CZ) and Carnivale Royale- House of Circus- Circolo Festival, Tilburg (NL)
March/April 2023
PingPong Disco, Dublin, (IRE) and Carnivale Royale- House of Circus: Zaalx, Kunst&Sex, Almere (NL)
The Magic Caky Act
August 2021
Queeriety Queer Event, Prague (CZ)
June/August/November 2023
PingPong Disco at Body & Soul Festival (IRE), PingPong Disco at All Together Now Festival (IRE) and Pinkbus Platform, Prague (CZ)
My Blue Self or my bloody self
June/ September/ October 2022
Recyclart Holidays, Brussels (BE), Onderstroom Summer Events, Antwerp (BE), Avontour Event at DePont Museum, Tilburg (NL) and Pinkbus Platform, Prague (CZ)
September 2021
Krepi Festival at Zahrada Theatre (SK)