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my gentle wild squirts

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my gentle wild squirts is a piece in which inhabits spaces between dance, theatre, poetry and performance. Inspired by the ideals of Radical Softness, Helena investigates her own tender tendencies by singing and growling, offering an emotional feast which spills into a transformative and raw performance. 




Radical Softness  is a term coined by Lora Mathis as a response to the control exerted by patriarchy on shaming things that are excessively sensitive, emotional or related to care and femininity. It is about giving power and space for emotions to be shared openly and unapologetically. In this piece drama queens, cry babies and too muchness are celebrated.  


The audience is invited into Helena's gentle and strident garden. A mouth-watering place where shiny pathways lead to a golden fountain. This splashing object sets the starting and ending point of everything and is a special receptacle for Helena offering her spits and other body fluids.

Different types of screams, laments, moans and whispers appear and the mouth becomes a vibrant channel where catharsis happens and wetness is delivered. This performance dares to bring out the full potential of the feminine voice and it reveals its vulnerability and sensitivity, striving to transcend the muting stamps imposed by society.


Helena asks for her Goddxss support and a little bit of kinkiness, Goddxss of it all becomes a very dominant figure. All is an attempt to challenge any considered norm of beauty, femininity and harmony and it results in a very visceral exchange with the space, Goddxss and everyone around, a gummy reverberation until we touch. 

For this role, Helena often collaborates with a different femme artist. She finds it rewarding to experience the various interpretations, questions and challenges that come out of these brief collaborations. The work only grows and expands itself every time. Helena gives a lot of freedom for the artist to channel the goddxss they envision to be. 


Performance and choreography: Helena Araújo

Goddxss and goddess: Lotta Love/Sophia Rodriguez/Karina Villafan

Kristina Chmelikova/Mzamo Nondlwana/Claire Lefevre

Sound Designer and producer: Marnix von Edge 

Dramaturg: Ana Rocha

Artistic coach: Lisa Reinheimer

Lights: Wout Hoste

was co-produced by MakershuisTilburg 

Supported by MakershuisTilburg, DeNieuwe Vorst, DeSingel and De Markten 

Special thanks to  Michiel Vandevelde, Anneke van der Linden, Robson Ledesma, Luiza Cascon, Evangelos Biskas, Eleni Ploumi, Elysia McMullen and Nick van der Heyden 

photos of the goddxses: Karina Villafan on the left and on the right Mzamo Nondlwana and Claire Lefèvre





Let`s celebrate this muchness!


Tour dates: 

26th March 2022 (premiere): Moving Futures Festival, Tilburg (NL)

24th April 2022: Savarin Space as part of Playboyz Festival (CZ)

30th May 2022: Volksroom, Brussels (BE)

25th June 2022: Radiant Nights Festival, Antwerp (BE)

16th July 2022: Pinkbus Platform Festival (CZ)

9th November 2022: Zahrada Theatre, Banska Bystrica (SK)

17th November 2022: V-Fest Festival- Kraakelder, Tilburg (NL)

19th May 2023: La Fete Du Slip, Lausanne (CH)

24th June 2023: S.P.I.T Festival, Vienna (AT)

10th August 2023: Antwerp Queer Festival, DeStudio, Antwerp, (BE)

29th September 2023: Murf/murw Festival, Tilburg (NL)

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